Sabtu, 18 Agustus 2012

Jakarta – KabarNet: Pada awal bulan Juli ini di negeri Belanda sedang hangat hangatnya membicarakan sejarah Aksi Polisionil Belanda di Indonesia antara 1947-1949. Semua berawal dari sebuah album foto yang ditemukan secara tidak sengaja di sebuah tempat sampah di Kota Enschede dan dimuat pertama kali oleh koran VOLKSKRANT, salah satu koran terbesar di Belanda.

Di Belanda sendiri, sejarah tentang aksi polisionil tidak diajarkan secara mendetil dalam kurikulum mereka, seolah seperti bagian yang ingin dipetieskan, berikut adalah artikel koran yang pertama dimuat tanggal 10 Juli 2012. 
Berikut adalah terjemahannya :

Rabu, 15 Agustus 2012


science imageMax Gladwell is the brainchild of writer and marketer Rob Reed. Rob specializes in sustainability and cause-driven marketing. You can also follow Max Gladwell on Twitter.
Our children will inherit a world profoundly changed by the combination of technology and humanity that is social media. They’ll take for granted that their voices can be heard and that a social movement can be launched from their laptop. And they’ll take for granted that they are connected and interconnected with hundreds of millions of people at any given moment.
What’s most profound is that these represent parts of a greater whole. They represent a shift in power from centralized institutions and organizations to the people they represent. It is the evolution of democracy by way of technology, and we are all better for it.
For most of us, social media has changed our lives in some meaningful way. Collectively it is changing the world for good. Given the pace of innovation and adoption, change has become a constant. Every so often we find the need to stop and reflect on its most recent and noteworthy developments, hence the following list.
Please note this is not a top 10 list, nor are these listed in any particular order. It’s also incomplete. So we ask that you add to this conversation in the comments. If you’d like to retweet this post or take the conversation to Twitter or FriendFeed, please use the hashtag #10Ways.


A man sat at a metro station in Washington DC and started to play the violin; it was a cold January morning. He played six Bach pieces for about The one who paid the most attention was a 3 year old boy. His mother tagged him along, hurried but the kid stopped to look at the violinist. Finally the mother pushed hard and the child continued to walk turning his head all the time. This action was repeated by several other children. All the parents, without exception, forced them to move on.
by : Michelle Giles

Writers always say they get their ideas from "everywhere." You may ask, what exactly is everywhere?

Stories can be created from a simple thought, a word, a headline; even a line from a song can inspire your creativity and motivate you to write. The little things from life's daily events can also provide dozens of ideas. Anything you do or anywhere you go could supply fodder for your next story. You simply need to keep your mind open.

If you're having trouble coming up with that perfect story idea, here's a list of 25 unusual places that can spark your imagination:


disaster imageDavid Spark (@dspark) is the founder of Spark Media Solutions, an organization that helps companies build industry voice through storytelling and social media. He blogs at The Spark Minute and can be seen and heard regularly on Cranky Geeks, KQED, Green 960, and ABC Radio.
From tracking fires through Twitter to breaking news before you see it on a major news network, we’re constantly hearing stories of how social media connections enable the community to help each other out in times of crisis. We love these stories. So here are five unique tales of social media coming to save the day.